I was to tired after slope practice to walk around Aspen to find one.
no pics, but I´ll give you a little update on slope practice.
first of all it´s the most scary course I have ever ridden ever.
First feature is a down rail about 10 feet or 3 meters (STUPID).
Second feature is a down flat down rail witch is really stupid to have in
a slopestyle course. No matter how good you are on rails it´s doubtfully
that you manage to slide the whole thing every single time, and at the same
time you want to do a cool trick on it makes it a lot harder.
Third feature is a flat box or a butter box thing, not much to say about that.
Fourth feature is a jump or a cannonbox like last year (cool)
Fifth feature is a pretty good jump.
Sixth feature is the worst thing you could possibly have in a slopestyle course.
It´s the most sketchy channel gap I´ve ever seen, dosen´t help that when you
land after the first jump your already on the take off for the channel gap.
You have the option of going straight over it, not jumping over the gap
but that´s not as good as it sounds. Since the landing for each side is about the
same size of a cat it´s no room for error or any drifting what so ever.
Last feature, the infamous MONEYBOOTER. Super flat take off so you have to go
pretty far to get the airtime you need (or want).
so that´s the course, sick eh ? not
I don´t like to ski when i´m scared, and i´m deffinatly scared going into that
channel gap waiting in the air to find out if i´m landing on a icy landing or in
a flat icy hole.
Two people actually fell into it today. it was Cheryl Mas (snowboarding girls)
No idea how you spell that name by the way. The other person was Travis rice.
Just so you get idea, Cheryl wasen´t even trying to do the transfer.
she got a concussion and a broken collar bone, after what I heard it should
have been much worse. And Travis is superman or maybe more like
spider-man, He went straight into the wall pushed himself out of the wall
did a 360 stomped the shit out of it in the middle of the dead flat gap,
rode away like a pimp.
I just think it´s stupid that we have to sign all the forms that we can´t
sue them and any injuries on the course isn´t their fault, when they have
a jump where we land 10 feet from certain death every run.
allright, maybe not certain death, but i´m pretty sure you could die.
Sweet after me writing all this explaining everything about the course,
dear Mr. Lampert tells me that I have bluetooth on my mac, so he
can send me pics from his phone.

Death Gap. looks a lot worse in real life, but i´m sure it looks good on TV..... Idiots

Death gap from underneath and me hitting the last jump

They can´t wait to give us a ride back up

Norway represent. Ander Backe, Mille Windfeldt, Andreas Håtveit and some random dude with sick boots
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SvarSlettHi PK
SvarSlettFirst good luck with the comp. hope no one gets "killed".
Can't you make Fillip and Jon hatveit work together to create the alltime best norwegian film of all time. With you and andreas stomping the shit together. That would rock.
good luck Ba.
some random dude with sick boots! haha, så jævla bra
SvarSlettim your bigest fan I have seen all your ski films. I hope you come to oppdal one time
SvarSlettthey need to change that shit or else no one will go big because they are in fear of their life.
SvarSlettAnders is a hottie !
SvarSlettNår går twintip på TV
Thats so awesome, I think that The Othersiders from th CN were at the X Games too.
SvarSletthåper jeg kommer til å se deg i vassfjellet snart da pk xD
SvarSlettEeeeek!!!! -------DRE