So, here it goes again. My christmas vacation was great and I hate to see it come to an end, but the next Dew tour starts tomorrow so I think it's about time to head over to Mt. snow. So that's my plan, I got Oscar Sherlin to come down to oslo instead of stockholm so we could fly out together. Finally have travel partner.
I've been travelling alot alone these past years and im getting really tired of it.
We arrive in MT. Snow late tonight and I have a interview with NBC and
practice tomorrow so hopefully I won't be to tired. It's alot worse to travel from the US than it is to travel from here, so I think I'll bee fine.
No edit yet. I think I learned that I shouldn't promise something I can't keep.
There's not going to be a edit from hafjell. because neither me or Even had
computers that could handle the format of the footage, neither of us had a editing program, and he went to Trondehim to shoot rails witch made everything a little harder.
sooooooo, im not going to promise anything, but hopefully I get to buy a camera in the US and you'll get a edit from keystone.... yayyyyy..
I have to go finish packing, so I don't miss my train to the airport.
Off I go..................................
hvordan bag er det du legger skiene i? er det hjul på den?
SvarSlettBut if you can't post any videos, photos would be fun!!