This pretty much sums up the trip in Åre. It seemed like the champagne never ended, and when I think about it. It never did!
We stayed one more day after the comp ended, cause easter made it impossible to get flights and train tickets. What to do in Åre on a sunday.... Afterski, heli ride up to the top of the mountain, Chinese downhill with Snowblades, party.
Me, Ted and Russ.... heli blading!

case of beer in the Heli.
Me, Elias, Russ, Jon, Jens and Ted on top of the mountain, minutes before Red Bull Homerun went off. Talking about how we should do the race, we decided Just to have fun and go over the finish line together. As soon as we hear the gunshot It was every man for him self and first man down. It was the most sketchy thing I´ve ever done, I fellt like one of those guys running with the bulls in the street. Obviously with snowblades u don´t have as much controll as u have on regular skis and with 400 ´´bulls´´behind u I was terrified. I ended up on 108th place Witch im really happy with, actually im just happy to be alive. All and all a really fun week in Åre, and im allready looking forward to next year.