Im Here in New Denver (middle of nowhere in BC)
Im here on a Pow trip with MSP, we´re gonna shoot in Retallack and since I
know for a fact that it´s Tanner Hall´s favorite place to ski it have to be good.
Not that it really matters to me, cause this is pretty much my first real pow trip,
so Im a little out of my element.
Since X-games I got to ride Breck for a couple of days and
I went to my first hockey game in Denver.
I don´t really like hockey, but it was quit an experience.
like 5 minutes into the game we witnessed a pretty good fight
witch made me really stoked, but the highlight of the game was the dance cam
The Dance cam happens during half time. They just film a lot of random people,
and when the cams on you, you have to dance for like 5 seconds.
It was pretty funny, but when they decided to point the camera at a
security guard/bodyguard it just went off.
He just stood there for like 5 seconds and I thought that there´s no way a
professional bodyguard gonna bust out some moves. Oh boy I was wrong.
He started to move is shoulders a little bit, raised his arm up and just flicked
his shades from his head down over his eyes and just busted out the sickest
dance, and he was on for like 40 seconds. probably one of the funniest things
I´ve seen.

Over to my trip.
I usually book my tickets my self but this time one of the MSP guys did it.
Due to a lot of stress with getting skis and all my stuff that I didn´t have
I hadn´t got a chance to look at my ticket that good.
I went to the airport, gave my passport to my check in lady and she said;
Allright, your going to Spokane Washington. I was really confused cause
I knew that I was trying to get to Canada and I was pretty sure that WA was
in the US. after thinking a while I gave my trust to MSP and checked in,
and I figured that WA was closer to Canada anyways so at least I was on my
way. At the gate I met Colby so I knew I was in the right place,
or both at the wrong place. either way I was relived.

The Canadian border, No trouble. we got thru, Murray (msp filmer)
just had to do some paperwork for his snowmobiles.
turns out he had lost one of his license plate so They wouldn´t
let us in. We drove back thru the American border, had a little brainstorm.
loaded my gear in the other car and we drove thru the Canadian border again
while murray went back to Spokane to try to figure it out, he´s still there.
that´s my trip so far.
To end this update Im gonna say that I have footage from Breck on my mac,
I didn´t get the footage from Keystone and there´s some pretty shaky
followcams cause Chris wasen´t as good at doing follows as he thought.
The only problem is that I have a new version of Imovie that is impossible
to figure out. So if any of you have a link to where I can download Imovie 6
that would be great. I think it´s Imovie 6 i want.
And I have to get better to make more updates cause writing this long ones
is really not that fun.
Washington er en stat på østkysten av usa om du ikke viste det :P
SvarSlettvestkysten selvfølgelig, LOL !
SvarSlettENJOY _ PUMP POW!!!
SvarSlettTry this site for iMovie HD (iMovie 6) I am pretty sure u are talking about this version. I have both the new version and the this one.
Nyt Retallack PK, det er sykt fett!!
PK check this link, although iMovie 09 is good.
It's my dream to hit Retallack....enjoy for me
Freddie (England)
SvarSlettPK is now officially dead!