Hey folks!
Just came back home a couple of days ago.
Not really much to say at all, except it feels really good to be home.
Im having a hard time getting over my crazy jet.
im going to Trysil on Sunday to hit Jon´s jump for a couple of days,
that´s my plan for now.
there will be an edit with me and Jossi from Northstar within 5 days.
that´s all I have to say for now. very exiting update.
var är editen?
SvarSlettPK, you have to get to Trysil and show Jon and Andreas how to really do a Double Cork! ;) Nice blogg btw!
SvarSlettHvor er editen? Og ha litt mer updates!!! sånn som Jon Olsson.. du kan si til han at jeg digger hans men ikke si at jeg liker din best;)