I just got that photo from retallack.
We spent most of our time in Retallack looking for spots
we found out that burning red trees was hella fun.
I don´t know how many we burned but we burned a lot.
It was quite a sight I tell ya.
So dew tour day 1 is over.
we had slope practice and for the guys doing pipe they
had practice aswell. The course is allright allthough the
jumps are tiny and that kinda sucks.
and since I was hitting the Pipe today it´s probably not
the biggest pipe. It seemed like alot of the pipeskiers
had a hard time adapting to this pipe after the huge
X-games pipe.
just to show you guys the course and the pipe.
Here´s Mike Riddle doing a pipe run and me doing a sloperun.
pipeslope from PK Hunder on Vimeo.
kind of dissapointed at dews last stop there, small pipe and rather boring slope course. thanks for the preview pk yo da mann
holy shit, can you explain the whole "burning red trees" part more? that looks crazy
SvarSlettJævli fettsikkert PK