I've been home for christmas for 5 days now and I have to say I love it.
My home resort Hafjell has never been this good ever. So im really enjoying being home. I love christmas cause this is almost the only time I get to be home for over a week during winter, and christmas is very cosy in general.
chillin in my living room watching south park weekend on MTV.
Im a huge south park fan, probably seen every episode in season 1-11 10 times each.
If you see the man running on the mountain with a torch in the background, They made that for the Olympics we had back in 1994. it's pretty sick...... I guess.
Not much more to say, im buying a Mac tonight, a plainticket to Boston for the second stop Dew Tour and a camera so I can put some edits up here.
talking about edits, Me and Even Sigstad took one of fieldproductions cameras up to the hill today, we're shooting tomorrow to, so hopefully you will get an happy new years edit in a couple of days.
Looking forward to the edit :)!
SvarSlettHej PK. Jeg har en hytte i tretten lige nord for Hafjell. Hvis du siger god for bakken så glæder jeg mig til næste weekend - så skal der gives gas.
SvarSlettGodt nytår.
jaggu det fårn si. god jul.
SvarSletthilsner fra skæven i canada.
PK you are the man! i am really stoked about all the good stuff you showed so far this season! great to see you also write a blog, i will be checkin it out
Hafjell <3
SvarSlettHei, du er favoritt skiern min pk! lykke te videre, lest nettop interjuvet av dæ i skier.