Day started early. Me, Oscar Sherlin and Willis Brown had to be at the registration office at 7 am, we woke up at like 6.55. We ruhed to the registration office and did all the paperwork and then rushed to the hill, we made really good time and with the delay all comps have we had to wait about 30 min in the start gate.
Like you can see the conditions wasen't perfect, it was windy and completely whiteout. we had like 3 hours of Practice witch actually was really good, we got alot of runs in. Jumps were pretty much close to perfect but most of us had some speed issues for the third jump. I think I cleared it like 2 or 3 times of all my runs. Practice ended so all the people in the second heat got to wait for 2.5 hours in the lounge. The weather was super bad, and we could see almost all of the riders having som problems at some point in their runs.
When it was time for my heat the weather actually got alot better, still not the best light you can get and still some wind gusts here and there but much better than the conditions for heat 1.
After all my competitions i've been in after all these years I pretty much know what you have to do if you want to qualify. It's so many people just hucking their best tricks they know how to do, and that's not that smart when you really can't see the take off or the landings and you have a storm pretty much just throwing you around in the air.
So I pretty much did the easiest run I could have done.
I did:
270 on 270 out
cab 7
sw 9
blindside 270 out
actually a very easy run, but I knew what I had to do.
just so you know how much control I actually have.
When me and Oscar got home from the hill we guessed what place we got.
I guessed that I got 5th place and Oscar guessed that he got 7th.
Sure enough I got 5th place and Oscar thinks he's better than he is so he was one off. He got 8th.
We have prelims tomorrow. Im not sure, but I think 12 of us moves on to the finals.
-wish me good luck-
SvarSlettLykke til!!! Sees snart! -MH
SvarSlettGood luck PK, hope the weather will be better tomorrow.
SvarSlettnår ble du så skilla på bret a?
SvarSlettjeg er din største fan pk. jeg husker du var i oppdal på fri flyt film tour ^^/