Im here in beautiful Chatter Creek, British Columbia on a Helly Hansen product shoot.
If you can't bang midair, you can't really bang at all.
We have been skiing and shooting for the last 5 days. the snowconditions is actually better then I expected, the only thing is that the snow that we're skiing on is one of the first snowfalls they had so far this year, that means no real base so it's a bit rockie so there's some limitations of what you can hit or not. But that's fine by me since im not looking for throwing my self off a 60 foot cliff i can stick with the really fun pillowlines and the 20 foot cliffs that I actually want to hit.
It's really fun for a parkrat like me to get the chance to come over here and ski with guys like Eric Pollard, Eric Hjorleifson, Mark Abma Chris Davenport and James Heim who is probably the best pow skiers in the world. I feel kind of out of my element so I just kinda tag along and try to find something fun to do, and that I did. As much as I love riding park I have to say that pow is pretty allright too. I just wish I didn't spend three days traveling from Norway to Canada so I would have had a couple of more days here..
Yeah, comming here I probably had my wirst trip yet.
Here's the story.
I had a little incident on my flight from Oslo to Frankfurt. I did what I always do befor a long journey. I stayed up pretty late the night before so I get really tired and then I can sleep the whole way. I did exactly that, I fell a sleep before the plain took off, but half way down to Frankfurt I woke up and felt really sick an dizzy so I got up in a hurry cause I thought I was going to throw up, then the incident happend. I actually passed out on top of the beverage cart on my way to the bathroom. I never passed out before in my entire life so it was an interresting expierence for me. I got up and felt completely fine, went back to my seat and fell asleep again.
woke up by the wheels landing on the ground of Frankfurt airport.
I get to my gate ready to board my flight to Calgery when some guy pulls me aside and tells me the brutal news. The pilot had talked to the pilot from the other flight and he refused me to get on the flight. After that I had the option of either go to a hotell and fly tomorrow or I could try to get a new flight that day.. Offcourse I want to get the hell out of Frankfurt as fast as possible.
I got a new flight and was waiting for boarding, then the same thing happend. The pilot refused me to go on this flight also. He told me if I wanted to fly today I had to go to the doctor and get him to approve me to be ''fit for flight''. I wish someone would have told me that before I bought a new ticket for a 100 euros.
I got a new flight and was waiting for boarding, then the same thing happend. The pilot refused me to go on this flight also. He told me if I wanted to fly today I had to go to the doctor and get him to approve me to be ''fit for flight''. I wish someone would have told me that before I bought a new ticket for a 100 euros.
I went to the doctor, it took him like 5 minutes for him to approve me. He told me that sometimes when you fall asleep sitting up all your blood goes down to your feet, when you wake up you feel dizzy and feel like puking and when you start moveing all that blood rushes to your head so you get an overload and then your on the floor, or in my case on the beverage cart.
so yeah, I got the ''fit for flight'' thing. got on stand by on another flight. waited for 4 hours, didn't make the flight. I was pissed. got a new ticket for the next day and the I went to a hotell.
this meaning that I spent like 10 hours running around Frankfurt airport, all the changing of flights and the check up at the doctor ended up costing me 300 euros. All that just so I could go to a hotell like I should have done 10 hours and 300 euros ago.
That was my trip over here. kinda felt like I had to share that with you.
It sucked but it's a good story.
Right now im saying good bye to chatter creek and Canada and off I go to Keystone, Colorado.
Here's some photo's from chatter.

New Helly teammate JP Solberg getting down

Found this movie of Mr. Hjorleifson on my camera.
not the biggest line, but really fun, and he did it with
a cigar in his mouth witch mad it pretty dope.
SvarSlettNice report from an amazing place, I visited Chatter Creek for four days in -02, massive terrain og and a fantastic lodge. Do they still have the Hummer with snowbelts on it?
Keep on ripping, we just got back from Dragons EURO-meeting and saw the FALL09 line and it KICKS ASS!!!
fett, grattis med blogg!
SvarSlettBra, keep it up.
SvarSlettdritrått pk beste jibberen i verden.
SvarSlettfresh blogg PK!
SvarSlettNAIIIIJS! grattis med blog, PK - enjoy Colorado!
SvarSlettgrattis m blogg, digger layouten..!
SvarSlettNICE side
SvarSlettsweet dude
SvarSletthaha, imponerende