I don't have a lot og time before we have to Get on the bus to the jump, so im just gonna bang out a quik one! Yesterday consisted of a lot of waiting, it was heavy rain all day, everything got delayed by two hours and wasen't 100% on! Eventually we had an hour practice. It was pretty much up to us the riders if we wanted to do qualifiers yesterday or if we should do
everything tomorrow! Did'nt look good at the beginning of the practice but then it dermed like everyone started to feel it so we went thru with it! Both me and Andreas qualified so we're stoked! I did my first dub 10 in forever, can't remember Last time I was that scared! Worked out fine though!

Last night was the crossover session. Top 8 from each sport did two jumps and then decided who was gonna be the four who would fight for the title! Since my jet lag kocked in a little late I was beat, I just wanted to do one thing and that was going to bed! I did'nt put up much of a fight to be in the last 4! Andreas, Simon, Elias and Tom was the ''lucky ones''. They killed it! We pretty much won every round! Wallisch won the whole thing and he deserved it! Sickest dub back and sw back i've vet seen!

the good thing was that everyone of the top 8 got 1000 bucks or something and if ur team won we got a coin og real gold! the good thing was that everyone of the top 8 got 1000 bucks or something and if ur team won we got a coin og real gold!

The last couple of days i've been invited to London Freeze, king of style and Red Bull playstreets! I've come to really apreciate invites after a year of doing no comps and any good at all! Pic above: red Bull playstreets invitation, pretty baller!
Now we're just waiting for the bus to take us over to the finals!
haha, stomping tricks without a lot of training - just like the old pk!
SvarSlettreally stoked for you.
I'm so looking forward to see you at the red bull playstreets, gastein is my hometown.
Halla PK.
SvarSlettPlaystreets er det fortsatt i Bad Gastein?
Fikk med meg de to første konkurransene der nede,men i fjor var det vel ikke noe så lurte vel på om de har bytta location eller hadde de bare ett års pause? Sykt fet konkurranse hvertfall!!
Gled deg max!