Im in Boulder right now at Willis and Clarke's place, im staying here for the night because tomorrow im going home. I am relly looking forward to coming home, can't belive it's christmas eve in 2 days. I have absolutely no christmasspirit at all.
So, comming home to Norwegian food, friends, family and my home resort is going to be awesome. Breck and Keystone may have the best parks in the world, but there's nothing like skiing in your home resort.
We had Slope finals two days ago for the Dew tour. We've been very unfortunate with the weather during this whole comp, and yesterday was no exception. windy, snowy and very very very cold. I had my camera with me, but it was way to cold for me to take off my glove and take pics.
to sum of the Event:
1. Bobby Brown
2. Jossi Wells
3. Henrik Harlaut
4. Me
Now im going to say what I think about that. And it's important that you all know that I was not completely happy with my run and I didn't expect to get any better than that. So I just going to say what I mean.
Allright, there's 4 thinks you shouldn't do and should do in a slopestyle run.
You should show that you can spin both ways.
You can't have any NOGRABS.
You can't have any handdrags or backseatlandings.
and you shouldn't revert, reverting isen't the worst thing you can do but it should hurt your score a littlebit.
sooo, since Bobby did 3 out of 4, in my mind Jossi should have won by far. that's my opinion, you can dissagree as much as you want, but im gonna explain how I look at it.
First rail:Bobby: 450, that's probably the most basic ''hard trick'' you can do on a kinkbox
Jossi: sw 630, Much harder than a 450 on 270 out.
first jump: Bobby: sw misty 10, very nice
Jossi: cab 10, not completely perfect, but it's a very hard trick.
Second jump:
Bobby: sw double knee grab, on www.jon-olsson.com can you see that he's not even trying to grab at all. He's clearly just hucking a dub.
Jossi: sw 10 japan, a nice sw 10 japan.
Third jump:
Bobby: Kangerooooo, very nice.
Jossi: sw 9, very nice.
Last Rail:Bobby: misty 5 out.
Jossi: 630 out.
I thought we had come to a point in skiing that we had to have an unnatural spin in a run, and I definitely thought that No grabs were completely unacceptable.
In my eyes it is unaccepteable. You shouldn't even be near the podium with a run without a unnatural spin and a nograb trick.
Jossi should have won.
see you in Norway