Winter is here in Norway. We don't have any natural snow yet but the temperature has dropped below zero so it's just a question of time. I did get to do some rails when I was home though. The Field Production rail jam came to Lillehammer this weekend. I knew I had no shot at even placing top 5, but it was fun, and really scary. Im more of a ''box-fun'' guy rather than single bar rails down stairs and crazy shit like that! Like I expected crazy good kids was throwing down all day. I found myself not being able to land any tricks in the final so I just took of my skis and helmet and watched the show, witch was crazy! I guess Wallisch was right, 450's is the new 270's.

At the afterparty a bunch of my friends from the band ''sixty pieces of gum'' was playing! Really funny to see them just going bananas on stage with car tires, christmas trees and a chainsaw!
Speaking of getting my old lifestyle back. Im on the train to the airport, im going to Budapest. It's another incity big air. I don't know if it's the first time they have it, I haven't heard about it before. Im pretty stoked to go Budapest, I never been before, I heard it's a really cool town and im there for 5 days so I actually have time to take a look around. Anyone been there before? Any tips of what I should go check out?
Good luck in Budapest!