Got back from Hemsedal yesterday. Back to a ordinary life, working out, eating healthy. im sorry to inform that my goldfish is now dead! His name was Per, he was a great goldfish. People gave him two days before he would die with me as an owner, but he proved everyone wrong! While I were celebrating my life as an 21 year old, Per was Home fighting for his life. He lived 4 days under my supervision, that's twice as long that the doubtfull people I call my friends gave him. And for that reason he was the greatest, strongest and bravest goldfish that ever lived. RIP Per, you wil be greatly missed!
You seriously managed to keep the goldfish alive for amazingly four days? To be honest I am quite amazed!
SvarSlettGood to see you bloging again, keep it coming!
awww poor goldfish :c were u sad when he died? hehehe
SvarSletti want to see more of you!
blog more :D
and im a follower on twitter, you amaze me pk :)
I think Marielle is stalking you PK, better watch out!
SvarSlettWell maybe i am, but im a fan..
ur lucky u are anonym because ur a stalker to hahaha