happy birthday
Grattis med dagen som var!
Gratulerer med dager :Dor im not sure if that was correct. im learning norwegian,i hope you had a nice time.and i had no idea u were 21 already!time sure goes fast!enjoy the mighty 21!
congratulations! Hope you had a nice day/ Sara Kitti
Congratulations on the day that were!
What's the deal about the picture?
gratulerer med overstått håper du hadde en fin dag:D
happy birthday
SvarSlettGrattis med dagen som var!
SvarSlettGratulerer med dager :D
SvarSlettor im not sure if that was correct. im learning norwegian,
i hope you had a nice time.
and i had no idea u were 21 already!
time sure goes fast!
enjoy the mighty 21!
congratulations! Hope you had a nice day/ Sara Kitti
SvarSlettCongratulations on the day that were!
SvarSlettWhat's the deal about the picture?
SvarSlettgratulerer med overstått håper du hadde en fin dag:D