The season is closing in, snow starts fallin, Cold weather And a bunch of pre season railedits confirms that. And that is the reason why im living in Oslo, Red Bull hooked me up with an apartment for November so I could do the finishing touches with my neck at Olympiatoppen. That's the best training facilities And where all of the national teams work out before the season. Of course, when I was really set on working hard and be searious for a while I get Sick, I think maybe I caught some of that infamous svineflu. I had it for 5 days And im feeling better today so I'll be ok.
More news: my old NTG coach, Pål gulliksen has developed a national twin tip team. That's great news, always good to have someone behind your back and maybe the norwegian population will take our sport more seriously.

Luckely for me my buddy Jonny got sick when I got sick. So we been playing FIFA 10 all day everyday!!
If I make it to the national team gathering tomorrow I'll shoot some pics and show you how it works.
-- Post From My iPhone
Greate update PK!
SvarSlettHope your neck is done fine!
EDIT: doing*
SvarSlettbtw... Pro Evo is much better than FIFA 10 ;)
SvarSlettwhat is your playstation network name++??++
SvarSlettI'am a bigbig fan from Norway and I (kjører) twintip :-D