Tonight we went out to celebrate my buddy (Jonny) 24th birthday! His girlfriend had planed a nice dinner with just the two of them, what he didn´t know was that we would all be waiting for him at the table. He was really surprised when he walked in to a corner with all his friends:)
I actually bought these a couple of days ago. jep, those are shoes with wheels. I know that´s a really childish thing to have, but I always wanted to get some. Notice the barbwire on the soul, that´s pretty hardcore!!! Jonny was really stoked when I got them so I figured why not buy some for him to. So if you see two guys on heelys at the airport it´s probably us!
hahahahaahaha, shoes with wheeels. Pure awesomeness!
SvarSlettGratulere med FriFlyt prisen!
SvarSlettLol Eid :D
SvarSlettDenne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
SvarSlettthat's crazy for a present ;) sounds fun anyway, but i'd avoid those when drunk :D
SvarSlettcheers and waiting for more cool parts like in Get Lucky or Eyes Wide Open.
greets from Poland
Wheels on shoes, haha, thats strange, LOL
SvarSlettwho is the best ski rider you know about?
was it cool on that birthday?