hey guys!
Yesterday I had my 20th birthday.
soooo that´s about what happens the last few days.
Not much celebrating either. Im Going to Hemsedal tomorrow though.
It´s the closing weekend, Helly Hansen Invitational and alot of other things
going on. I celebrated my 18th birthday there a couple of years back
and I had a really really good time. so im looking forward to making my
way up to Hemsedal tomorrow to celebrate my 20th birthday.
If you looking for to see some good skiing, enjoy the sun and have a lot of fun,
my advise is to get your ass up to Hemsedal this weekend.
onsdag 29. april 2009
fredag 24. april 2009
PK and Piril Invitational

Hey folks!
These last couple of days I´ve been working on putting a contest
together in my Home mountain, Hafjell. The qualification is today,
and the finals is tomorrow. Im not alone putting this contest on,
Piril (Per Iver Grimsrud) isa really good snowboarder, his from
the same town as me, known him all my life, his parents are
actually my godparents. He probably have to get more credit
than me on this contest since I´ve been in the hospital and
re-habing at home the last three weeks. I think it´s gonna
turn out good. the most importing thing is that everybody
has good time.
So everybody that has the time on Saturday at 2 o´clock
should come and watch, and cheer on the guys.
if you don´t have the time, make the time.
We did some test jumping yesterday, or Piril, Arild Tveit and
Steffen Hamre did. Here´s a video of that so you can see the jump.
actually surprised about the jump, it looks good.
since there´s no snow left here I didn´t really expect much either.

Arild Getting ready

Steffen protecting his butt

Jump, not shaped though
Untitled from PK Hunder on Vimeo.
Me getting a ride up
tirsdag 21. april 2009
Doing Good
Hey fellow human beings!!
Long time since last Update.
That´s mainly because I haven´t had anything exiting
to blog about. I don´t think it´s that exiting to blog
about what I eat and all that bull shit, but if you want to know,
I had frozen pizza for dinner today. My parents decided to go
down to our house in spain to play golf. I guess it´s allright
for parents now a days to leave their little boy with a broken
neck at home. Mom and dad, if you read this... that was a joke... do not worry.
I have my Sister and my brother in law to take care of me.
Actually I don´t need much help. Im doing great.
My biggest problem I have is my beard getting really irritating
behind my neck brace.
The best way to describe how Im doing,
I can live normal really really boring life.
I have no pain, I can move just as normal, just not any sudden
fast moves and I can´t really do any activities, they also said that
I can´t lift more than 4 kilos. What is under 4 kilos that is worth lifting?
Been a lot of comments and questions about the contests.
and for people wondering if I read the comments,
I do and I appreciate the comments very much.
About the contests. I´ll have warm up contest next week.
Im out
Long time since last Update.
That´s mainly because I haven´t had anything exiting
to blog about. I don´t think it´s that exiting to blog
about what I eat and all that bull shit, but if you want to know,
I had frozen pizza for dinner today. My parents decided to go
down to our house in spain to play golf. I guess it´s allright
for parents now a days to leave their little boy with a broken
neck at home. Mom and dad, if you read this... that was a joke... do not worry.
I have my Sister and my brother in law to take care of me.
Actually I don´t need much help. Im doing great.
My biggest problem I have is my beard getting really irritating
behind my neck brace.
The best way to describe how Im doing,
I can live normal really really boring life.
I have no pain, I can move just as normal, just not any sudden
fast moves and I can´t really do any activities, they also said that
I can´t lift more than 4 kilos. What is under 4 kilos that is worth lifting?
Been a lot of comments and questions about the contests.
and for people wondering if I read the comments,
I do and I appreciate the comments very much.
About the contests. I´ll have warm up contest next week.
Im out
søndag 12. april 2009
Lillehammer ..... again
Hey Folks!
Still in the hospital.
Got back to Lillehammer hospital after a successfully surgery
at Ullevål a couple of days ago. After the surgery I expected to
be on my feet pretty much at once, but I had to lay on my back for
two days without even getting the option of rising my back.
Today was a big day for me though, today was my first steps
in one week and 2 days. It was actually a bit funny, I was dizzy
and very insecure about my ability to walk. but I didn´t pass out
and I didn´t eat shit so I guess it went well.
I just want to get home, it sucks lying here so close to home,
looking out the window and pretty much see my house (not really)
is really frustrating. They said that I had to stay here for two days,
just so they can make sure that Im healthy and I don´t get any infections
and stuff.
That´s about it!
Since there probably not gonna be that much skiing on this blog
in the nearest future I have some surprises for you guys.
some contests with some pretty good prices.
Im planing of doing a couple of contests but I don´t know when and how.
The only thing I know is the prize for the one contest. I won´t tell you,
but I´ll give you a hint. ---- It´s pink and purple.
Still in the hospital.
Got back to Lillehammer hospital after a successfully surgery
at Ullevål a couple of days ago. After the surgery I expected to
be on my feet pretty much at once, but I had to lay on my back for
two days without even getting the option of rising my back.
Today was a big day for me though, today was my first steps
in one week and 2 days. It was actually a bit funny, I was dizzy
and very insecure about my ability to walk. but I didn´t pass out
and I didn´t eat shit so I guess it went well.
I just want to get home, it sucks lying here so close to home,
looking out the window and pretty much see my house (not really)
is really frustrating. They said that I had to stay here for two days,
just so they can make sure that Im healthy and I don´t get any infections
and stuff.
That´s about it!
Since there probably not gonna be that much skiing on this blog
in the nearest future I have some surprises for you guys.
some contests with some pretty good prices.
Im planing of doing a couple of contests but I don´t know when and how.
The only thing I know is the prize for the one contest. I won´t tell you,
but I´ll give you a hint. ---- It´s pink and purple.
onsdag 8. april 2009
Just arrived Ullevål, for you guys who dosen´t know.
Ullevål is the hospital in Oslo, a bit more advanced hospital
than the one at home in Lillehammer. So I had to come here to
operate, they haven´t decided if im gonna operate or not.
but most likely I will, and I hope so because if I operate
that means that my fracture will be stable and I can pretty much
start walking right away (almost). On the other hand,
if I don´t operate that means that my fracture have to heal before
I start moving to much, and I don´t want that.
This was PK Hunder reporting from his 6th day on his back
Ullevål is the hospital in Oslo, a bit more advanced hospital
than the one at home in Lillehammer. So I had to come here to
operate, they haven´t decided if im gonna operate or not.
but most likely I will, and I hope so because if I operate
that means that my fracture will be stable and I can pretty much
start walking right away (almost). On the other hand,
if I don´t operate that means that my fracture have to heal before
I start moving to much, and I don´t want that.
This was PK Hunder reporting from his 6th day on his back
tirsdag 7. april 2009
Hospital time
Hey guys!
Long time no blog.
As you may know Im currently in the hospital.
Im waiting to get shipped to Oslo to operate,
the decision weather I am gonna operate or not is yet to be made.
But Im pretty sure I have to operate and I actually hope so.
allright, about time to tell you guys what I did.
some of you may know that I hurt my neck, but I actually
broke it. it isen´t nearly as bad as it sounds I skied away from it,
walked around for 10 minutes afterwards, I have all the movement and
feeling everywhere. I consider myself very lucky allthough I was
very unlucky as well. Since I actually pretty much stomped the trick
it sucks to get a broken neck out of it. You can se on the video
what happened but I´ll tell you my perspective.
I was coming into the jump, the plan was to do a dub 12 but on the
takeoff I felt that I had way to much speed, and I didn´t want to
land switch that far down the very soft landing. soooo,
I set a really slow 10, probably the slowest 10 I have ever done,
felt like a 3. came around perfectly, prepared myself for a hard landing,
put my skis on the snow, got the feeling of landing it and then both my
skis dug down in the snow witch sent me straight on my head.
Im usually really good at just fliping over and roll, but it was so unexpected
and I had alot of speed, so I just didn´t have time to do anything.
that´s what happened.
åre chrash from PK Hunder on Vimeo.
That´s probably the last you´ll see of me skiing until this summer.
I still don´t know the recovery time, but I figure it´s gonna take a little while.
Im still in good spirit, I had a crazy and very good year, and im really happy
with my comeback year, it sucks that I probably not gonna get to film
with MSP and Field, but after this busy contest season Im kinda burned out
allready, Im looking forward to take it easy at home, going on vacation to
someplace exotic where I can play Blackjack.... yeah just living large i guess.
Long time no blog.
As you may know Im currently in the hospital.
Im waiting to get shipped to Oslo to operate,
the decision weather I am gonna operate or not is yet to be made.
But Im pretty sure I have to operate and I actually hope so.
allright, about time to tell you guys what I did.
some of you may know that I hurt my neck, but I actually
broke it. it isen´t nearly as bad as it sounds I skied away from it,
walked around for 10 minutes afterwards, I have all the movement and
feeling everywhere. I consider myself very lucky allthough I was
very unlucky as well. Since I actually pretty much stomped the trick
it sucks to get a broken neck out of it. You can se on the video
what happened but I´ll tell you my perspective.
I was coming into the jump, the plan was to do a dub 12 but on the
takeoff I felt that I had way to much speed, and I didn´t want to
land switch that far down the very soft landing. soooo,
I set a really slow 10, probably the slowest 10 I have ever done,
felt like a 3. came around perfectly, prepared myself for a hard landing,
put my skis on the snow, got the feeling of landing it and then both my
skis dug down in the snow witch sent me straight on my head.
Im usually really good at just fliping over and roll, but it was so unexpected
and I had alot of speed, so I just didn´t have time to do anything.
that´s what happened.
åre chrash from PK Hunder on Vimeo.
That´s probably the last you´ll see of me skiing until this summer.
I still don´t know the recovery time, but I figure it´s gonna take a little while.
Im still in good spirit, I had a crazy and very good year, and im really happy
with my comeback year, it sucks that I probably not gonna get to film
with MSP and Field, but after this busy contest season Im kinda burned out
allready, Im looking forward to take it easy at home, going on vacation to
someplace exotic where I can play Blackjack.... yeah just living large i guess.
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