I been in Hintertux without any internet for the last two weeks, that´s why I haven´t been able to update every day.
Hintertux was fun. didn´t get to do as much skiing as we wanted to. The first day was the best day we had, but the first day is always a warm up day. We got many sunny days, but the wind started picking up. We had to ski in a strong tail wind every day. It was skiable but a little sketchy, you could go big the first run and knuckle the next one.
Not the conditions you want to learn new tricks in.
Me stealing the rest of the remaining chips on the table. WINNER!!!
Since we didn´t have internet we had to do other things. My two main night activities was Poker and Ping Pong. The first week we lived with the Danish camp I went down to france to coach this summer. I did pretty good in poker and other than being crushed by a 12 year old in ping pong I did OK there as well.
The plan was to make an edit from Hintertux, but since we never got enough skiing and the lap time on the lift was pretty long we never got time.
Winter is getting close here in Norway and there is a railjam at the bottom of Hafjell today. I tried it out yesterday, 4 hour railsesh. So much fun. Wish I could be a part of the railjam today, but im going to Oslo and leaving for London Tomorrow.
To answer your question about HH. They kicked everybody, and by that I mean everybody. My contract expires in December so it looks like im going to start the new year without any clothing sponsor. So my 6-7 year relationship with HH is over.
witch clothing brand do you think would fit me ? and im not thinking of ´´fit´´ like the clothes are big enough. What brand comes to your mind when you think of me?
I think its strange that HH kicks out every athlete. You HH sponsered athletes has really spread the HH all over the press/internet/films in a good way. And just kick you guys/girls out with a short notise is...bad from HHside.
SvarSlettNike 6.0, Sweet, Causwell (where your old HHteam member Eric Pollard just signed to) The North face. Well, any of these brand should fit you, I think.
Sweet Protection!
SvarSlettnorth face or orage
SvarSlettSweet, Nike 6.0, Oakley!! You can wear almost everything...
SvarSlettNike 6.0 no doubt about it!!!!
SvarSlettNorth Face er det første jeg tenker på. Ville valgt et merke som virkelig inkluderer deg i arbeidet og gjør det mulig for deg å bidralitt innenfor merket annet en å få en eske med klær en gang i året + cash. (me mindre det er noe du er fornøyd med, hehe)
SvarSlettI always thougt "nice HH outerwear" when I've seen you, but in stores my reaction was always negative..
SvarSlettI think Sweet or maybe the Northface with their new line would fit you best.
Sweet protection :D
SvarSlettKeep it norwegain. SWEET PROTECTION
SvarSlettSWEET PROTECTION ville sett sykt ut på deg.
SvarSlettIf you ever get an offer from TNF (The North Face), take it, due to the fact that they have shitloads of money.
SvarSlettIf you want to support a norwegian company, I'd say Sweet Protection too, but the downside would be that they wouldn't really be able to pay you as much as TNF.
I've seen a couple of others riding for Peak Performance, which I do not really know much about, but I guess that could be worth checking out.
Another question: What happens to the gear you have already received from HH? Will you send it back or will you throw it up at this blog for a competition? (Yeah, still waiting on that one, hehe)
To be honest I do not really feel you as an Sweet Protection outerwear athlete, hence why I liked you as an HH athlete. You always managed to pull the HH clothings off very well, but as already stated, it just does not look good in the stores. (At least I think that) That made you look quite special in a way. Therefore I would advise you to try to find a bigger company like Nike 6.0, TNF and such, since the benefits from them are much greater than the ones from Sweet Protection, as far as I know. (Basically since they have more money, as already stated)
SvarSlettim wondering !! WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO WEAR??? when you cant wear HH anymore???
SvarSletti would say follow pollard to Causwell!!
or try Trew!!
only thing is i dont imagine them to have huge budgets
so maybe 6.0
other thing is that loads of those companys mentioned before like 6.0
,TNF, Orage and so on they just picked up so many diffrent riders over the past 2 years so you might disappear in the crowd!!
may be some of the companys that hasent picked up that manny riders.
like spider or sessions
but in my opinion talk to the guys you would like to film with!! HH was a biiiig sponsor for MSP for years and years!!! so talk to those cats!!
anyways i hope you will be happy where ever you end up!!
good luck in london!!
ps i probably wouldnt wear anything that said HH too big in london!!
winn this one and land a good deal after that!!
hey, pk. im a big fan, please send me a picture of your body. and yeah, start repping Mikstape!
quicksilver!!! or TNF
SvarSlettmikstape works pretty good?!
SvarSlettARMADA for sure!!
SvarSlettWell, if you're interested in a norwegian sponsor; Sweet protection. But if anything else will do, I would say Armada. It would be rad to see you with Jacob Wester, Tanner Hall and the other riders in the Armada team. But now again, it's your call.
SvarSlettArmada or Sweet protection!
SvarSlettArmada, Sweet protection or Saga !
SvarSlettI would have chosen Sweet Protection or Saga if I were you.
SvarSlettBoth brands have really cool clothes, which I think would have suited you perfectly
Sweet Protection!!
SvarSlettThnx for all the response. I really apreciate it.
SvarSletti would like to see u nude
SvarSlettOAKLEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!